Relation Identification Between Conceptual Terms for Automatic Construction of Lexical Knowledge Database 面向词汇知识库自动构建的概念术语关系识别
This behavior occurs because lexical representations of these values are not stored in the database. 因为这些值的词法表示形式未存储在数据库中,所以出现此行为。
The attribute database of modern Chinese color terms can be considered a sub project of a lexical database of modern Chinese. 本文论及的现代汉语颜色词属性库可视为汉语词库建设中的分支工程。
And then base on the Business Chinese test ( BCT) build a "Business Chinese lexical database" for the quantitative study. 在此基础上对本篇论文的研究对象商务汉语词汇的数量、范围进行了界定,以《商务汉语考试大纲》中的词表为主,建立商务汉语词汇数据库对词汇进行定量性统计研究。
This study has important theoretical significance for natural language computer processing, machine translation, the construction of lexical information database, and artificial intelligence, at the same time, has the same significance and the practical value for foreign language teaching and lexicography. 本研究对于自然语言的计算机处理、机器翻译、词汇信息库的建设,人工智能等具有重要的理论意义,同时,对于外语教学和词典编撰释义也具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。